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Read more content on Ljubljana's illustrious nightlife before your visit to Slovenia.

Best Pre-party Places in Ljubljana

Ljubljana is a great town for crazy parties until the wee hours. Still most of us need a little warm up before we hit the clubs. T...

Hungover in Ljubljana

Ljubljana is known for the craziest parties. As anything good though this too has it’s downsides. Here’s what you can do to s...

5 Most Popular Lounge Bars in Ljubljana

Lounge bars are perfect for relaxing afternoon drinks with your friends or business partners. Though there are many such places to...

6 Clubs You Have to Visit While in Ljubljana

Discover the pulsating heart of Slovenia through its capital’s vibrant nightlife. From high-end clubs to underground music venue...

New Year’s Eve in Ljubljana

So you either live in Ljubljana or you’re planning to visit and you decided to spend the New Year’s Eve in our beautiful capit...

7 Need-to-Know Facts for an Awesome Night of Partying in Ljubljana

1. When do Slovenian people usually go out partying? Slovenians usually meet at about 9 pm – 10 pm and pre-drink/pre-party eithe...
Anyone who comes to party in Ljubljana with us is up for a wild night of cheap beers, energetic young people, crazy party guides, top bars, and dance clubs.
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Portfolio company of World Discovery.